Midterm + Final Assignments :
1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Portfolio.pdf
2: Photoshop: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color - 1/2" Margins (see attached image + Instructions)
3: Assignment: (Midterm) Create a PDF document of all your assignments + bonuses + quizzes. (Final) Turn in the complete version of the semester's work printed on 11" x 17" paper. The FIU Print Lab is open during the week. I recommend you do test prints before turning in the assignment.
Requirements + Criteria include:
- Cover Sheet with your Name + "ARC 4058: Fundamentals of Digital Design Summer 2012 Portfolio"
- Table of Contents listing (in order) all the projects of the Semester's work.
- Be consistent with you FONT TYPE + FONT SIZE!
- Be certain that the margins are respected.
- Quality of the portfolio arrangement + quality of your semester's work will be graded! If you believe a project needs more work to be improved, do it! This will affect both the Midterm + Final Grades.
4: Email the PDF file as an attachment. Be sure that small enough to be attached. I WILL NOT be accepting Dropbox Files. One method is to save as Jpeg, then save that same file as a PDF. Another method is to flatten the image, then save as a PDF. MAKE SURE THAT THE ORIGINAL FILE IS NOT ACCIDENTALLY SAVED AS A FLATTENED IMAGE AS YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REVERT BACK TO IT'S PREVIOUS LAYERED FORMAT!!
5: Email the PDF to ecalil@fiu.edu as attachment.
6: MIDTERM: Title email + Blogpost : [Last Name][First Initial]_Portfolio.pdf
7: FINAL: Submit portfolio to me before the deadline.
Due Date: MIDTERM 7-25-12 (Wednesday) by 11:59 PM
FINAL 8-8-12 (Wednesday) by 9:00 PM at the FIU Library. Find me on the first floor.
Hi Professor i sent my midterm file last night at 9:30 but do to technical duficultys it failed to send and my email didn't notify me of this untill this morning
ReplyDelete-Nicole Gonzalez ngonz110@gmail.com