Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Assignment 5 + 6 Postponed 1 Week, August 1

Good Afternoon Class:

After much deliberation, I have decided to postpone Assignment 5 + 6 for next Wednesday, August 1.  I highly suggest that you take this time to improve your renderings and better prepare yourselves for Saturday's Quiz.  Remember, quality + completeness of said assignments + quiz will be graded more harshly than before seeing as how these are you final assignments for the semester.

Note: The Midterm is still due tonight, Wednesday (July 25) by 11 59 PM!

Note 2: Try to do a test print of at least a few sheets (11" x 17" landscape view) by Saturday to be certain that everything is coming out all right!

Please post or comment below for any questions that you may have.


  1. Thank you so much Professor! I'll do my best

  2. uffff, I feel much better
    Thank You so much Professor!:D

  3. Dear Professor,
    I stayed up all night last night to get my work done for Assignment 5&6 and the midterm. Since the midterm is still due tonight, if i include my full assignment 5&6 as part of the midterm, could you please give me a full critique of all of my diagrams and renderings so that i can fix it to get a perfect grade when i turn it in next week? The only problem would be is that i would need you to e-mail me the critique because i won't be in class.
    Please let me know.

    1. will do. reply on the blog if you do not get a reply from me before Saturday night. I will try to review everything before Saturday.

  4. Professor the midterm is about 50 Mb in pdf total is it ok if i send it in different emails since gmail has 25 mb limit on attachments?

  5. NM The program I use can Compress and reduce size with out losing quality

  6. Try to send it in one email as ONE pdf. You need to shrink the individual pdf's before combining them. Try saving the larger ones as jpegs in Photoshop (maybe at a slightly lesser quality; photoshop tells you the file size when you adjust the quality in jpeg saves). What program are you usuing to combine your pdf's? Adobe Acrobat Pro or an online converter?

  7. Images2PDF

    1. converts image or group in to one PDF just have to put them in the order you like etc.

  8. If the assignment was due today, and some people have finished it in time for this deadline as it was scheduled, is it still going to be 'graded more harshly', seeing as we did finish it on time? I just don't really see it being very fair to those who did things on time..

  9. it was always going to be graded harshly. extra week or not, I am definitely grading based on completeness and quality of work. I would take advantage of this week for some fine tuning. I also recommend you print out some of your renderings if you would like for me to take a closer look at them on saturday.

    on the bright side, you get to relax a little more between now and next week! and have a decent materials library ready for saturday's quiz.
