Saturday, May 19, 2012

Quiz No. 1

Quiz No. 1 :
 Date: 6-2-2012
Time Limit: 1 hour to be received in email.


1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Quiz_1 .  Be certain the CAD + PDF files are saved with this format!

2: Be sure Units is on "Architectural", "Decimal Degrees" & "Inches"

3: Groups: The Quiz is separated into 2 different Groups.  Group A will be responsible for drawing the assignment designated to them.  Group B is responsible for theirs.  Failure to do the assignment designated to your Group is an instant 50% drop to the Quiz grade.

Group A:  Student ID ends in an odd #
Group B:  Student ID ends in an even #

4: Assignment: Draw the elevations as they are posted on the blog.  You may use the image as an external reference in your drawing.  

5: Plot - DWG to PDF - Plot with Layers - assignment_2_layers - 11" x 17" at Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"
    (this will have been updated the week of the Quiz with additional Layers)

6: Submittal: BOTH the AutoCAD + PDF file shall be submitted to before the hour's end

* Note: if you cannot make it to the day of a Quiz, you may make it up the week after.  A more difficult drawing will replace the one of the original date and the same time limit will be given during class time.  If you know that you cannot make it to class on any particular day, please comment below with the date(s) you will be absent and I will do my best to not have a Quiz on that particular date.  Once the date of the Quiz is posted online, it will not change.


  1. Professor, I will not be able to make it to class on 06/23/12. Thank you.

  2. Professor, I will not be able to make it to class on 06/23/12 and on 07/28/12. Thank you.

  3. Mr. Calil I had to run back home to Tampa for personal reasons it was last minute and unexpected and I need to make up the quiz.

  4. Chris. I will have a new Quiz for you on Saturday. You will have the same 1-hour time limit. The drawing that you'd have to replicate will be posted on the day of the quiz. You should practice and submit all assignments up to this point, including all bonus assignments as make up quizzes may utilize any of those drawings. The quiz will start at 10 00 am during class time. The instructions for the Quiz have been posted online. Please be certain you follow every instruction. I will be in class at 9 00 before class if you have any further question.

    Patrice. I'll be sure not to have quizzes on those days.

    Quiz No. 3 may be on either June 30th or July 7th. Please write if you have an issue with any of these dates.
