Sunday, May 27, 2012

Assignment No. 2 Plans + Elevation Samples

Please comment if you have any questions
* Note: for Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0", I am using a text size of 12".  Please do this as well.

CAD plans CAD elevations (so that you may see my layers)

PDF plan (1 of 4) 
* Note: I have added the North arrow in the plan.  If you do not have it for this assignment, please do so for the Midterm / Final

CAD elevations (so that you may see my layers)

PDF elevations (front elevation repeated x 4 with dimensions for elevations.  Your versions do NOT have to be exact, but this should be helpful if you need it)

1 comment:

  1. are the small circles 2" or 1"?
    they look like 1" in your drawings but you had said 2" in class.
